PortalGuard Data Sheet
Learn more about the PortalGuard solution here
If you have any questions or want a custom demo, please don't hesitate to schedule a call with us.
Self-Service Password Reset
Provide users with access to a wide range of self-service functionality including Password Reset, Password Recovery, Account Unlock, End-User Self Registration, and Forgotten Username Lookup, to reduce password reset calls to the help desk by up to 95%.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Create a single point of access with out-of-the-box integrations to provide SSO to all your applications - even the “difficult-to-integrate” ones. PortalGuard supports multiple open standards including SAML, WS-Federation, OAuth, OpenID Connect, Shibboleth and CAS.
Multi-Factor Authentication
MFA has become the standard for preventing unauthorized access. PortalGuard offers 15+ flexible authentication options, including industry-leading biometrics. PortalGuard also supports Contextual Authentication and Passwordless options to help balance security and convenience.