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Live Webinar: Wednesday, February 28th at 2pm ET

Cybersecurity in Higher Education: 2024 Trends & Predictions

While attacks against large financial institutions, government entities, and major corporations get most of the attention in the cybersecurity arena, there is another sector that faces threats of equal – if not greater – stature: higher education. In fact, the higher education sector ranked as the least secure industry after experiencing a 44% increase in cyberattacks since 20221. Additionally:

  • Between 2018 and 2023, there were 386 recorded cyberattacks in the United States alone, totaling a cost of $35.1 billion due to systems being down2.
  • The cost of a data breach has been reported to cost up to $250 per student in a higher education institution3.
  • As of May 2023, there were already 27 confirmed ransomware attacks against higher education institutions in the United States4.


If that isn’t enough to manage, colleges and universities must also provide students with modern, digital experiences with tightening IT budgets.


If you’re eager to learn how to move forward in 2024 keeping your college or university protected from cyber threats across the board, this webinar is for you. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable Senior Solutions Engineer, Kevin Wiser, will be leading this month’s in-depth exploration of the unique challenges that higher education institutions face and, more importantly, how to overcome them.


Join us live on Wednesday, February 28th at 2 pm ET to learn:

  • Solutions and support to maximize your resources. While IAM controls are essential, implementing them in a cohesive way with limited resources and budget often results in a disjointed strategy, increased overhead, and an overwhelmed IT team. Moreover, IT teams are facing rapid changes in educational approaches, such as remote learning platforms, which can add even more stress.

  • Tools to successfully operate in a highly regulated environment. You handle tremendous amounts of data and have access to the personal, financial, and healthcare information of both students and staff. As a result, educational institutions are subjected to a wide range of compliance requirements. However, with the proper security measures in place, you can safeguard that information, meet compliance requirements, and, ultimately, preserve the credibility and reputation of your institution.

  • Exclusive insights into what to expect in 2024. It’s impossible to predict – exactly – what to expect this year in cybersecurity. It is, however, critical to know how to be as prepared as possible to face the challenges that most likely lie ahead. Given the unique nature of the threats facing higher education, it’s no easy feat to address them alone – that’s where BIO-key comes in.




Kevin Wiser

Kevin Wiser 
Senior Solutions Engineer